Something to tell about RuneScape (RS)

Runescape is just one of the oldest game around that you can play on your web browser. It is totally free and there is nothing or money involve to let you play this old but popular online game. RS is the short term and I might be referring in this simple two letter on my upcoming future posts.

To tell more about RS, it is very similar to the most popular MMORPG (Massive multi-player online games). But it’s not too similar in a way how you play it. Runescape brings you into the old and legendary time where monsters, dragons and all sorts of fierce evilsĀ  do exists. Learn your way on how to develop your skills on many different levels such as planting, cooking, fishing, fighting, crafting, and so on. Trying to level up all of this abilities will going to take a lot of years. Some players had even tried to use automated programs to let their character work without their presence facing their computer all day long.

There are several servers that you can choose and you can always transfer from any of them that has the best availability. It is best to choose the world where there are only a few members logged in or you will going to experience some lagging problems. Your character might actually die in the battle field if in case that you are fighting a monsters or other players when a sudden lag has been experienced. This is the reason why Jagex has to create many servers that you can always use to log your character.

The numbers of players joining RS are continuously growing besides the fact that it is already an old online game. Maybe the reason is that, they keep on doing updates and changes to keep their players from staying.

I already have an account that has reached an all out level of 50 and I’m already bored from leveling because it really consumes a lot of time. I suggest that if you are going to play Runescape, you don’t have to spend countless hours or you will going to get bored immediately.

Another option is to use an automated software to conduct power leveling but this is not advisable because there are already some anti bot that keeps on processing from the game to check whether a certain character is a robot or not.